Magnetic field measurements on the Prognoz satellites were carried out by IZMIRAN's Space Magnetic Research Laboratory (SMRL) in 1977-1984. Satellites had the orbits with apogees ranging from 200000 to 800000 km. (3 - 125 Re). Prognoz-6 provides important solar wind observations during ISEE-1/2 first orbits on the day side magnetopause, at a time when ISEE-3 had not yet been launched. Prognoz-7 and -9 provide observations at a later stage of the ISEE mission. It is important also to note that Prognoz-7 was launched into a high latitude orbit, and provides extensive observations of the rarely explored cusp and mantle. The following time intervals are covered by Prognoz : Prognoz-6, 26/09/1977-22/01/1978 Prognoz-7, 11/11/1978-31/05/1979 Prognoz-9, 03/07/1983-07/02/1984 Prognoz 6 was launched into a 488 km ? 197867 km, 65° orbit. Prognoz 7 was launched into a 472 km ? 202627 km, 64.9° orbit. Prognoz 9 was launched into a 480 km ? 700000 km, 65° orbit. It included the Relikt-1 experiment to investigate the anisotropy of the cosmic micropwave background at 37 GHz, using a Dicke-type modulation radiometer. During 1983 and 1984 some 15 million individual measurements were made (with 10% near the galactic plane providing some 5000 measurements per point). The entire sky was observed in 6 months. The angular resolution was 5.5°, with a temperature resolution of 0.6 mK. Additionally it observed gamma flares in deep space, and solar corpuscular and electromagnetic radiation plasma flows and magnetic fields in circumterrestrial space to determine the effects of solar activity on the interpl anetary medium and the earth's magnetosphere. Prognoz 10, also known as Interkosmos 23, was launched into a 5975 km ? 194734 km, 65° orbit to investigate the structure of interplanetary and circumterrestrial shock waves generated by the interaction of the solar wind and the earth's magnetosphere. Special focus was the boundary and the bow shock and how particles leaked from the bow shock into the magnetosphere. It carried scientific instuments developed by scientists and specialists of the USSR and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic as part of the Interkosmos program of international space cooperation.