Digital archive of the USSR satellites magnetic measurements  

This site provides a brief description of various missions of the USSR space program related to the study of the Earth's and interplanetary magnetosphere, and provides access to the data archive from the spacecrafts.
The data from the satellites Cosmos-49 and Cosmos-321 were obtained by the GC RAS after digitizing and analyzing the historical catalogs of the IZMIRAN, data from other missions were provided by IZMIRAN, or obtained from the NASA's Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF).

This digital archive is part of the World Data Center for Solar-Terrestrial Physics (Moscow).
The data is provided for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license. Please, when using the data, indicate the GC RAS, IZMIRAN and SPDF.


A homogenous survey, performed within a short period of time by this sattelite, provided a general image of the Earth’s magnetic field free of secular variations and allowed scientists to map its distribution on the date of the experiment. The collected data were used for obtaining the international analytical model of the Earth’s magnetic field.

Cosmos -321

The Kosmos-321 mission main objectives were the same as for Kosmos-49 but also included some specific tasks, such as confirming the possibility of using magnetometers with optical pumping as a service system for a series of atmospheric experiments.


Measurements of the magnetic field by the Prognoz satellites were carried out by the IZMIRAN Space Magnetic Research Laboratory in 1977-1984.


A unique opportunity arose to combine missions to Venus and Halley's comet In 1985-1986. This mission was carried out by the USSR in cooperation with a number of other countries. Two spacecraft, Vega-1 and Vega-2, were launched from the Proton rockets from Baikonur on December 15 and 21, 1984, respectively.

Cosmos - 1809

Satellite Cosmos-1809 (K-1809) was launched into a circular orbit on December 18, 1986 and operated until May 21, 1993. Cosmos-1809 was a copy of the Interkosmos-19 satellite with the system impulse sounding of the ionosphere. The main task was construction of the profile of the upper ionosphere. It was solved already in the first half of 1987. After the exhaustion of the resources of the IS-338 ionospheric station, the diagnostic equipment was included in the other scientific programs of the IZMIRAN

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